Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Good News Today!

We have a heartbeat!!

We are absolutely thrilled. We had our first ultrasound yesterday afternoon and it showed a beautiful little flutter of a heartbeat in our little bean!
Of course we have learned that nothing in life is guaranteed but this gets us a heck of a lot closer to our dream come true!

Next step... Meeting with the Dr. (Obstetrician) on Monday!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Still Here!

Well, I have been a bad blogger

I haven't made a post since the big announcement.

I have been around but life is getting busy. I have been working quite a bit which is good because I'll need to claim EI/Mat Leave earlier than most so I need my funds to be on the up so I'll get more money. Also DH's birthday was on the weekend so we kept busy. I am enrolled in 3 online courses this semester and while the courses themselves aren't too difficult I have to keep myself on track with my reading and assignments. On top of all of this the pregnancy fatigue is setting in and I am loving the afternoon naps but it does make it difficult to get everything accomplished in a day that I hope for.

As far as pregnancy news goes. Nothing too much on the home front. Our immediate families know along with a few close friends/acquaintances. At this point it's still a need to know basis. Of course everyone is thrilled for us.

I have an ultrasound scheduled for Monday and to say I'm nervous is an understatement. DH and I don't think we've ever wanted so desperately. I'll be exactly 6 weeks during the ultrasound and there's only a 50% chance that we'll see the heartbeat that early. So fingers are crossed that we see it. Once you see that beautiful little flicker, the chance of miscarriage goes down quite significantly.

Think sticky and hearbeat vibes for me will ya!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Round 2!!

Well. I haven't been able to find the words until now.

I'M PREGNANT!! I can't believe it!!

I had promised the hubby that I wouldn't test until Sunday but woke on Friday morning with "something" in the back of my head to test.
I decided to use one of the cheap tests (thank god for the dollar store!) and figured I would get a BFN (a big fat negative, if you will). I left the test on the bathroom counter and went to carry on with my business for the 5 minutes convincing myself that it was too early and would be negative.

DING. 5 minutes are up so I go back to the bathroom and *gasp* A FAINT PINK LINE! Holy Shit.

Now it's time for the big guns a more expensive and sensitive drug store test. I only need 3 minutes for this test...POSITIVE!

At this point I'm now laughing, I just can't believe it. I run down the stairs, past the dog (who thinks I'm crazy because I'm laughing like I might be!) and I run out to the drug store in my pajamas! I buy 2 more tests and pee on them. Positive and the never fail digital test PREGNANT! This is real, it's really really happening.

Now how to tell the hubby...
I bought him a dia.per ge.nie! He thinks these things are the greatest inventions and he really doesn't do well with dirty diapers. So I wrapped it up under the guise of an early birthday present. When he got home from work I told him he had to open it. As he's opening it he looks SOOOO confused as to why I'd buy him a dia.per ge.nie so I help him out by showing him the *many* pregnancy tests I'd taken throughout the day. Needless to say he's really happy, excited and immensely proud of himself for "planting the seed" if you will!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Oh The Waiting!

Well here it is, another 2 Week Wait! Feeling cautiously optimistic but again trying my hardest not to let all the "maybes" get the best of me.

For a TTCer, this time period is a killer. Highly emotional, I go from feeling "absolutely SURE that this is our month" to "there is no way and I am pregnant, fate throws me another shitty hand." Today I'm somewhere in the middle!

I am so happy and so thankful to have a wonderful husband who every month is so optimisitc and makes me feel like we can do this together and in the end I know we can!

This here is one lucky lady who is determined to make our dream come true. We'll make amazing parents, this I know!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year Everyone!

Well it wasn't the New Years we had envisioned for ourselves this year but we had fun none the less. We spent our New Years like we always do surrounded by our friends and family in a low key but hilarious affair. We've relied so much on these people in 2008 and they've always been there.

Hubby and I both agree that we have high hopes for 2009!