Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Round 2!!

Well. I haven't been able to find the words until now.

I'M PREGNANT!! I can't believe it!!

I had promised the hubby that I wouldn't test until Sunday but woke on Friday morning with "something" in the back of my head to test.
I decided to use one of the cheap tests (thank god for the dollar store!) and figured I would get a BFN (a big fat negative, if you will). I left the test on the bathroom counter and went to carry on with my business for the 5 minutes convincing myself that it was too early and would be negative.

DING. 5 minutes are up so I go back to the bathroom and *gasp* A FAINT PINK LINE! Holy Shit.

Now it's time for the big guns a more expensive and sensitive drug store test. I only need 3 minutes for this test...POSITIVE!

At this point I'm now laughing, I just can't believe it. I run down the stairs, past the dog (who thinks I'm crazy because I'm laughing like I might be!) and I run out to the drug store in my pajamas! I buy 2 more tests and pee on them. Positive and the never fail digital test PREGNANT! This is real, it's really really happening.

Now how to tell the hubby...
I bought him a dia.per ge.nie! He thinks these things are the greatest inventions and he really doesn't do well with dirty diapers. So I wrapped it up under the guise of an early birthday present. When he got home from work I told him he had to open it. As he's opening it he looks SOOOO confused as to why I'd buy him a dia.per ge.nie so I help him out by showing him the *many* pregnancy tests I'd taken throughout the day. Needless to say he's really happy, excited and immensely proud of himself for "planting the seed" if you will!!